My Photography Services
Capturing Moments You’ll Want To Remember
Children are quite extraordinary little beings.
Their view of the world is one which a photographer dreams of.
Seeing the tiny little details that we often miss in our daily life.
My motto when it comes to photographing children is…
‘let them be kids’.
Time flies for all of us.
You blink and your children have grown up some more.
A little bigger, a little taller. Doing their own things.
Can you stop, or slow down time?
Capture today’s moments forever.
Maternity is my favourite type of photography.
There is something so beautiful and a little bittersweet about the last few weeks of pregnancy.
The last few moments of the very personal bond between mum and bub, but also so much longing to meet baby earth-side.
The newborn stage is raw, beautiful, exhausting and hazy.
Time also flies by so quickly in the scale of things.
Their little features changes so quickly.
Don’t miss the beauty of those first few days.
Beautiful photos are very affordable nowadays.
So why not leave capturing your most precious moments to a professional?
I’m sure you’ll still get plenty of phone photos, but they don’t quite cut it.